*Age: 24 years old
*Country: Belgium
*Old soul
*Eternal overthinker & Romantic philosopher
*Occupation: Graduated in Teaching (Secondary Education, Dutch-English)
*Occupation 2: Studying Master Degree Linguistics and Literature
*Favourite colours: Grass green & Golden yellow
*Favourite songs(s): Africa (Toto) & Comptine d'une autre été (Yann Tiersen)
*Music taste: Indie pop/rock & 80s hits
*Spirit animals: Zooey Deschanel & Florence Welsh
*Passionate about: laughing, hugs, theatre, mental health awareness, education and chocolate
What is the purpose of this blog?
Share my point of view on the social issues which shape and influence our Western society
Share my psychological being/soul and my call for attention to take more care of our psychological self
Share moments, books/articles I read, songs I hear, videos/films I see which make me reflect or touch me deeply
Share my own way of coping with emotions by writing this blog and writing poetry to make others feel, laugh, cry…
Share what lives deeply in me and what I always wanted to say or scream about out loud but never found the voice to do so
Share what needs to be said and what sometimes people are to shy to talk about (since this is often against the norms)
Share joy, happiness, reflection and inspiration.
Share who I am, as part of this world, with you.
What is my mission but at the same time not my intention?
It is not my intention to force you to believe what I state and share. My opinion is just one out of million opinions out there. I do not speak 'the' truth, only my own.
It is not my intention to make you agree with what I say. It is perfectly acceptable that you disagree with my opinion. If this is the case, I am always interested to hear your part of the story, so do not hesitate to contact me if you want to share your opinion.
It is not my intention to gain a status or popularity by writing this blog and sharing personal things. First of all and on the highest level, I do this for myself, since I have a profound and passionate urge to share my feelings and thoughts with the world. I need to talk about how I feel. This is my way of coping with my inner soul. Secondly, I do believe deeply that sharing our thoughts about issues is important. They are too few people out there putting their finger on what really matters in this world. I just want to do my part. And since I am still young and female, my voice is even more important. I am in a role which in this society is often too few heard critically and honestly.
Lastly, it is not my intention to mock people or people's life work. I profoundly admit I can and will use sarcasm often to make my point. Humour is also my way of coping with things, since laughing is important and life is already made too serious, so often taking it with a grain of salt is needed.
I deeply hope this blog can inspire you and opens room for reflection about issues surrounding me, but also you and us. I want to share reality: the joy of it, but also the vulnerability of it. I want to show that deep down, beneath all the superficial talks and news that confront us daily, there are even more interesting, needed to know facts which are never openly said. Linked to my own interests and pursuits in life, I will share the topics which touch me the most and I hope you will be there to read and share my opinion and/or experience.