"Sometimes life doesn't turn out how you imagined it."
Well, cut out the 'sometimes' and this quote is the full truth. Once I was a little princess who loved to act out plays in the living room, who loved to make up rhymes and to read them out loud in the most expressive way possible my face became the face of someone else. I was 6 years old and I dreamt of a career as an actress. Never had my parents told me it wasn't something for me, never did they refuse me to dream, never did they interfere while I was working on my far far future. At the age of 12 I was so excited about playing theatre and writing my own plays, I wanted to go to an Art School. Alas, I got a 'no no'-answer. Then 'so unfortunately ....', now 'so luckily' my parents where realistic people and knew I had to have a basis for life + they also were well aware of my linguistic talent. Consequence: I ended up in Greek-Latin for 6 years in secondary school. BUT: my dream wasn't completey shattered. That would be utterly cruel of my two parents. My mum gave me the chance to go to an Art Academy. A private school for arts where you can follow Music, Drama etc. in your spare time. HALLELUJA! From my 12th until my 17th I had the time of my life. I practised my speaking skills in the Diction lessons, I turned into thousand other personalities in the Theatre Lessons and I discovered the ultimate beauty of poetry in the Drama lessons. This passionate period of discovering my deepest self ended with a public exam in June 2012. An exam for both Theatre and Drama in which I presented parts of myself I didn't know I had them in me. Together with my partner we nailed it (yes, we did!). Such great memories, such great times. ​ This is all in the past now and life has come in between. Life as in studying hard, meeting new people and falling in love. And still, I feel I am not complete. While I am completely aware of the fact I don't have the time to join a theatre company, I still miss it so much. I miss the pre-reading part of the script, the discovery of the story and the characters. I miss the first run, the changing and self-exploring time to make the character your own. I miss the way I was so much more open, extraverted, excited and fearless. I miss how I was self-conscious, shameless, confident and proud of my own art. I miss how I could fly away in another world called 'My inner soul personalities'. I miss it all. I miss it while writing this ode to the art of acting. Luckily I have found the art of writing creatively instead. It fills the broken pieces. But never will the broken pieces be unbroken. This passion stays in my heart for ever. LotsOfLove, Maple Juice